User Interface

The user interface for Engine Driver is described and explained in these pages as ‘screens’. There are several ‘Main Screens’ which you will routinely interact with and and larger number of ‘Secondary / Support Screens’ that will interact with infrequently.

There are also some settings that impact all of the screens which described towards the end of this page:

  • Theme

  • Localisation

Main Screens

There are four main screens:

Connection Screen


This screen is the first screen you normally see when starting Engine Driver.

It allows you choose which WiThrottle Server to connect to, which you must do to control your trains.

There are three ways you can select a WiThrottle Server to connect to:

  • IP Address and Port

  • Discovered Servers

  • Recent servers

Once you select a server the Throttle Screen will be automatically displayed.

If you only ever connect to one WiThrottle Server you can effectively bypass this screen by enabling the Auto-Connect to WiThrottle Server? preference.


See WiFi Issues for more assistance with connection difficulties.

Connection Method Options

IP Address and Port

Enter the IP address or URI of the server in the first field, and the port in the second field, then click Connect. Engine Driver will attempt to connect to it, and the Throttle Screen will be displayed.

Discovered Servers

This is the most common way to connect.

Your WiThrottle Server will attempt to broadcast its details so that apps like Engine Driver can automatically find it. If Engine Driver does find it, it will be listed here.

To connect to any WiThrottle Server in this list, simply click on the row. Engine Driver will attempt to connect to it, and the Throttle Screen will be displayed.

Recent servers

To connect to any WiThrottle Server in this list, simply click on the row. Engine Driver will attempt to connect to it. If successful the Throttle Screen will be displayed.

Note that, just because it is in this list, it does not mean that you can connect to it now. It only means that you have successfully connected to it in the past.

Action Bar (Connection Screen)

The Action Bar appears at the top of all screens. It will show different information and different buttons depending on a) the particular screen and b) preferences you have set.

In the Connection Screen the Action Bar only displays:

  • The app name (Engine Driver)

See the Action Bar section of this page for more information.

Overflow Menu (Connection Screen)

The Overflow Menu (or simply ‘Menu’) appears in the Action Bar at the top of most of the main screens is normally three dots (⁞) or three bars (≡). It will show different options depending on a) the particular screen, b) preferences you have set and c) the state of certain elements in the app.

Specific to the Connection Screen, the Overflow Menu can display:


See the Overflow Menu section for more information.

Throttle Screen


The Throttle Screen has two distinct areas:

  • The Action Bar

  • One or more Throttle Areas

There are also some settings that impact the whole Throttle Screen which described towards the end of this section:

  • Background

  • Immersive Mode (Full Screen)

  • Swipe Up / Down

  • Accelerometer (Shake)

The Throttle Screen allows you to control:

  • Access common functions from the Action Bar and Menu

  • Control one or more locos

The Throttle Screen contains between 1 and 6 Throttle areas depending on the Throttle layout chosen and the number of throttles for that layout (only some allow this to be changed).

Throttle Area

Each Throttle on the Throttle Screen will display different information and buttons depending on the Throttle Screen Layout in the Throttle Screen Layout preference.

Each Throttle Area allows you to:

  • Select and release locos

  • Control the speed and direction of your trains

  • Activate DCC decoder functions like the light, bell, horn

  • Activate Virtual (IPLS) Sounds (bell, horn, short horn) (if enabled)

Loco Select Button

The loco Select button in the Throttle Area allows to select or release locos for that particular Throttle. Click on the button and you will be taken to the Select Loco screen.

Once you have selected a loco, the label on the button change to the DCC Address(s) or the Roster name(s) of the Loco depending on how you select the loco in the Loco Select Screen, and if you have the enabled the Loco Address instead of Name? preference.

When the button is displaying DCC Address(s) or the Roster name(s), click on the button again and you will be taken to the Select Loco screen where you can de-select the loco(s), select additional locos to make a consist / multiple unit train, edit the locos in the consist, or edit the lights of the locos in the consist / multiple unit.


See the Operation page for more information.

Speed indicator

The Speed Indicator or Speed area of each throttle of the Throttle Screen indicates the throttle amount/setting (rather than the actual speed of the locos controlled by the the throttle).

Depending on the Speed Units Preference the upper value show will be different:

Speed Unit Setting

Low value

High Value

Percent 0 - 100%



Auto Speed steps



8 steps



10 steps



14 steps



28 steps



128 steps



Also, if one of the Shunting/Switching layouts is selected, the high number will be negative (‘-’) when reversed (e.g. -100 - 0 - 100)

The Speed Indicator area also can show:

  • Volume indicator

  • Gamepad Indicator

  • Direction indicator (Shunting/Switching Layouts only)

Volume Indicator

A ‘V’ will be shown in the Speed Indicator area to indicate which throttle is being controlled by the hardware volume buttons. Touch another Speed Indicator to change which Throttle the Hardware Volume buttons control.

Gamepad Indicator

A number (‘1’,’2’, etc.) will be shown in the Speed Indicator area to indicate which throttle is being controlled by the each connected gamepad. Set one of the gamepad to allow you to switch throttle it controls.

Direction Indicator

If one of the Shunting/Switching layouts is selected, a triangle symbol will be shown to indicate direction (pointing Up for forward, and down for reverse).


See the Throttle Control Preferences section of the Speed Units preference for a information on changing the Speed Units options.

Speed Slider Area

The Throttle areas can be configured with a Speed Slider. (All Throttle Screen layouts except the ‘Big Button’ layouts include sliders by default.) Dragging you finger along the slider will increase or decrease the speed of the loco(s) selected for the that Throttle. Pressing and holding your finger at one spot on the slider will cause Engine Driver to slowly increase or decrease the speed of the loco(s) selected for that Throttle till it gets to that point.

Depending on the Throttle Screen Layout chosen in the Throttle Screen Layout preference, all sliders on the Throttle Screen will be either:

  • one-directional (0% - 100%) 1

  • bi-directional (-100% - 0 - +100%)

Bi-directional sliders are useful for when you are switching/shunting. i.e. moving your locos backwards and forwards a lot.

Several preferences can change the appearance or actions of the Speed Slider:

  • Increase Slider/Speed Height?
    When set, this preference will show a taller Slider, or Speed buttons, for throttles

  • Throttle Speed Slider Margin
    When set, this changes the space between either the edge of the screen and the ends of the Slider, or if the Speed Buttons are enabled, the edge of the Speed Buttons and the ends of the Slider. Specific in pixels haw far to offset

  • Hide Speed Slider?
    When this preferences is set, Engine Driver will not show speed slider, use speed buttons instead

  • Tick Marks on Speed Sliders?
    When this preferences is set, Engine Driver will show tick marks on the background of the Speed Sliders

  • Switching throttle Dead Zone
    When this preferences is set, Engine Driver will set the size of the dead zone, or detent, on the slider of the Switching/Shunting Throttle Screen

  • Stop Button Vertical Margins
    When this preferences is set, Engine Driver will add the entered number of pixels to offset margins of the stop button from the speed buttons and bottom of screen


The actual amounts shown in the Speed Indicator will depend on the Speed Units chosen in the Speed Units preference.

Stop Button

Clicking the Stop button of a throttle will the loco or consists / multiple unit controlled by that throttle. If the locos have momentum configured in the decoded it/they will slow then stop.


See the Emergeny Stop Action Bar button for information on stopping locos immediately, overriding the momentum setting.

Speed Buttons

The Throttles may optionally be configured have simple buttons that allow you to increase or decrease the loco’s speed in pre-defined steps. The buttons are displayed at either end of the speed sliders.

When enabled:

For the Horizontal Sliders only, The position of these buttons in relation to the speed sliders (the space between), can be altered with the Speed Slider Margin preference.


See the Display Speed Buttons? preference for more information on enabling these buttons.

See the Speed Button Change Amount preference for information on the abount that

Direction Buttons Area

Each Throttle on the Throttle Screen will display Forward and Reverse direction buttons, depending on the Throttle Screen Layout in the Throttle Screen Layout preference. ‘Shunting/Switching’ layouts do not show the direction buttons.

Change direction while moving preference.


See the Direction change while moving? and Stop on Direction change? preferences for information on preferences which alter when the buttons are available and the way the they work.

Function Buttons Scroll Area

The Function Buttons Scroll Area will show form 0 (zero) to 26 function buttons depending on a number of factors. Each button will show either:

  • Labels provided from the roster, which can be individually specified for each loco in the roster

  • The default labels for Engine Driver (which can be changed)

The Function Button area can also show:

  • IPLS buttons (In Phone Loco Sounds)

  • Pause

  • Limit Speed

The Function Buttons Scroll Area is shown by default on all Throttle Screen layouts except Simple. It can be enable fot the Simple layout


See the Function Button Area Size preference for information on how to show the Function Button Scroll Area on the simple layout.

DCC Function buttons


DCC Function buttons

DCC Function Buttons are displayed here. If there are too many to display in the screen area allocated, then the area becomes scrollable (without scroll bars) so that they can all be viewed and pressed as needed.

All throttle layouts other than the ‘Simple’ layout show a Function Buttons Scroll Area by default. For the ‘Simple’ layout it must be enable in the preferences if required.

Will show from 0 (zero) to 26 DCC function buttons, depending on a number of factors. Each button will show either:

  • Labels provided from the roster, which can be individually specified for each loco in the roster

  • The default labels for Engine Driver (which can be changed)

If the loco (or first loco of a consist/multiple unit) was selected from the WiThrottle Server roster, then (by default) the number of functions and labels on the buttons will be whatever is configured for that loco in the WiThrottle Server. This is also trun if the loco is selected from the Recent Locos list or the Recent Consist/Multiple Units list.

If the loco (or first loco of a consist/multiple unit) was added by entering its DCC Address, then the number of functions and labels on the buttons will be whatever is configured in Engine Driver in the Default Functions.

The behaviour of the Function Buttons for locos selected from the WiThrottle Server roster can be overridden with the Use default function labels? preference. If this is enabled, the locos selected from the WiThrottle Server roster will also show the Default Functions labels.

Clicking on any button will instruct the loco to activate that DCC Function in the loco. By default this is only sent to the Lead loco, however this can be overridden in a number of differnt ways.


See the Function Defaults Screen section for more information on configuring the labels and number of default function buttons.

See the Function Buttons page for more information on the DCC Function buttons.

For labels from Roster Entries you need to edit the Function buttons in the WiThrottle Server, or configure Engine Driver to use the default labels.

Pause and Limit Speed buttons


Pause and Limit Speed buttons

The Function Button area can also show: * Pause * Limit Speed

These are optional buttons


See the ‘Limit Speed’ & ‘Pause’ button Preferences section on the Preferences page for more information on these buttons.

In Phone Loco Sounds buttons


In Phone Loco Sounds buttons

The Function Button area can also show the IPLS buttons (In Phone Loco Sounds)

These are optional buttons


See the In Phone Loco Sounds (IPLS) page for more information on the IPLS buttons

Web View Area (Throttle Web View)


Web View Area (Throttle Web View)

Shows a web browser in the lower half of the Throttle Screen.

Your JMRI Layout panels can be displayed here if you have configured them in JMRI.

Anything that can be shown in the Web View Screen can equally be shown here, just in a smaller space.


see preference

see initial page preference

different to the main Web View Screen including a different preference to set the initial page.

see increase size

Action Bar (Throttle Screen)


The Action Bar appears at the top of all screens. It will show different information and different buttons depending on a) the particular screen and b) preferences you have set.

In the Throttle Screen the Action Bar can display:

  • The app name (Engine Driver)

  • Optionally configured information:

    • Fast Clock

    • Children’s Timer Status and Countdown

    • Full Screen or Action Bar Only left/right swipe

    • WiThrottle Server Name

  • Optionally configured buttons:

    • Emergency Stop (EStop)

    • Track Power

    • Flashlight

    • Throttle Web View

    • Throttle Layout Switching

    • In Phone Loco Sound

    • Children’s Timer


The optional buttons are enabled via the Menu ‣ Preferences ‣ Throttle Screen Status Row Preferences.

See the Action Bar section of this page for more information.

Overflow Menu (Throttle Screen)


The Overflow Menu (or simply ‘Menu’) appears in the Action Bar at the top of most of the main screens is normally three dots (⁞) or three bars (≡). It will show different options depending on a) the particular screen, b) preferences you have set and c) the state of certain elements in the app.

Specific to the Throttle Screen, the Overflow Menu can display:


See the Overflow Menu section for more information.



Engine Driver can show a background image of your choosing on the Throttle Screen. Any image/photo on your device/phone can be used.


See the Background Images section of the preferences for more information on how to select a background image.

Immersive Mode (Full Screen)


Immersive Mode (Full Screen)

Swipe Left / Right (From Throttle)

Swiping Left from the Throttle Screen will take you to the Routes Screen, unless it has been disabled in the preferences

Swiping Right from the Throttle Screen will take you to the Turnouts/Points Screen, unless it has been disabled in the preferences

By default, you can Left/Right Swipe from any part of the screen, but this can be changed to just the Action Bar in the preferences. This can be useful if Left/Right swipes in the Web View Screen and Throttle Web view causes problems.


See the Left right swipe preferences for information on how to enable and disable which screens are in the Left / Right swipe sequence.

See the Disable Full Screen Swipe prefernce to enable or disable the Swipe Action Bar only option.

Swipe Up / Down


Swipe Up / Down

Accelerometer (Shake)


Accelerometer (Shake)

Turnouts/Points Screen


Turnouts/Points Screen

Accessed from any of the main screens by the Menu ‣ Turnouts` or Menu ‣ Points or by swiping right from the Throttle Screen if enabled in the Left with the Swipe through Turnouts? or Swipe through Points? preference: Menu ‣ Preferences ‣ Left/Right Swipe Preferences ‣ Swipe through Turnouts/Points

This screen allows you to display all Turnouts/Points that have been defined in JMRI.

Turnouts/Points can be changed from Closed to Thrown and vice versa be pressing on either the Closed or Thrown buttons

List from WiThrottle

  • Throw

  • CLose



Turnouts/Points Screen - Entry

Filter by location

The ‘Turnout/Points List’ can be filtered. The filtering relies on the idea that the first part of every Turnout/Point name is a ‘Location’, followed by a common separator, then the actual name for the Turnout/Point name. The ‘filter’ then allows you to select one of those locations and Engine Driver can just show the Turnout/Points at the ‘Location’.

The Location Delimiter preference allows you to set the character that marks the end of the Location portion of Turnout/Point and Route names. By default it is a colon (“:”) but any character can be used.

Hide if no user name? preference

Action Bar (Turnouts/Points Screen)


The Action Bar appears at the top of all screens. It will show different information and different buttons depending on a) the particular screen and b) preferences you have set.

In the Turnouts/Points Screen the Action Bar can display:

  • The app name (Engine Driver)

  • Optionally configured information:

  • Optionally configured buttons:

    • Emergency Stop (EStop)

    • Track Power

    • Flashlight


The optional buttons are enabled via the Menu ‣ Preferences ‣ Throttle Screen Status Row Preferences.

See the Action Bar section of this page for more information.

Overflow Menu (Turnouts/Points Screen)

The Overflow Menu (or simply ‘Menu’) appears in the Action Bar at the top of most of the main screens is normally three dots (⁞) or three bars (≡). It will show different options depending on a) the particular screen, b) preferences you have set and c) the state of certain elements in the app.

Specific to the Turnouts/Points Screen, the Overflow Menu can display:


See the Overflow Menu section for more information.

Swipe Left / Right (From Turnouts/Points)

Swiping Left from the Turnouts/Points Screen will take you to the Throttle Screen, unless it has been disabled in the preferences

Swiping Right from the Throttle Screen will take you to the Web View Screen, unless it has been disabled in the preferences

By default, you can Left/Right Swipe from any part of the screen, but this can be changed to just the Action Bar in the preferences. This can be useful if Left/Right swipes in the Web View Screen and Throttle Web view causes problems.


See the Left right swipe preferences for information on how to enable and disable which screens are in the Left / Right swipe sequence.

See the Disable Full Screen Swipe prefernce to enable or disable the Swipe Action Bar only option.

Routes Screen


Routes Screen

Accessed from any of the main screens by the menu Menu ‣ Routes or by swiping left from the Throttle Screen if enabled in the Left with the Swipe through Routes? preference: Menu ‣ Preferences ‣ Left/Right Swipe Preferences ‣ Swipe through Routes

This screen allows you to display all Routes that have been defined in JMRI or DCC-EX EX-CommandStation.



Routes Screen - Enter



Routes Screen - List

Filter by location

The ‘Routes List’ can be filtered. The filtering relies on the idea that the first part of every Route name is a ‘Location’, followed by a common separator, then the actual name for the Route name. The ‘filter’ then allows you to select one of those locations and Engine Driver can just show the Routes at the ‘Location’.

The Location Delimiter preference allows you to set the character that marks the end of the Location portion of Turnout/Point and Route names. By default it is a colon (“:”) but any character can be used.

Hide Sys Route Names? preference

Hide if no user name? preference


Routes Screen - Filter

Action Bar (Routes Screen)


The Action Bar appears at the top of all screens. It will show different information and different buttons depending on a) the particular screen and b) preferences you have set.

In the Routes Screen the Action Bar can display:

  • The app name (Engine Driver)

  • Optionally configured information:

  • Optionally configured buttons:

    • Emergency Stop (EStop)

    • Track Power


The optional buttons are enabled via the Menu ‣ Preferences ‣ Throttle Screen Status Row Preferences.

See Action Bar section of this page for more information.

Overflow Menu (Routes Screen)

The Overflow Menu (or simply ‘Menu’) appears in the Action Bar at the top of most of the main screens is normally three dots (⁞) or three bars (≡). It will show different options depending on a) the particular screen, b) preferences you have set and c) the state of certain elements in the app.

Specific to the Routes Screen, the Overflow Menu can display:


See the Overflow Menu section for more information.

Swipe Left / Right (From Routes)

Swiping Left from the Routes Screen will take you to the Web View Screen, unless it has been disabled in the preferences

Swiping Right from the Routes Screen will take you to the Throttle Screen, unless it has been disabled in the preferences

By default, you can Left/Right Swipe from any part of the screen, but this can be changed to just the Action Bar in the preferences. This can be useful if Left/Right swipes in the Web View Screen and Throttle Web view causes problems.


See the Left right swipe preferences for information on how to enable and disable which screens are in the Left / Right swipe sequence.

See the Disable Full Screen Swipe prefernce to enable or disable the Swipe Action Bar only option.

Web View Screen

../_images/web_view_screen.png ../_images/web_view_screen2.png


Web View Screen

Accessed from any of the main screens by the menu Menu ‣ Web or by swiping left or right twice from the Throttle Screen if enabled in the Left with the Swipe through Web? preference: Menu ‣ Preferences ‣ Left/Right Swipe Preferences ‣ Swipe through Web It can also be accessed, if the Screen orientation preference is set to Auto Web, by rotating the Android Device/Phone.

This screen displays a web browser interface that lets you view any web page. Normally this will be a web page on your JMRI server.

From the JMRI web server you can view and interact with additional features of JMRI. The menu at the top right of the web panel screen allows you to further display:

  • Rosters

  • Operations

  • Trains

  • Tables

  • Turnouts/Points

  • Sensors

  • Routes

  • Reporters

  • Memories

  • Blocks

  • Layout Blocks

  • Lights

  • Signal Masts

  • Signal Heads

  • Locations

  • Cars

  • Engines

  • ID Tags

This can be used for:

  • A webThrottle screen

  • Your JMRI layout panel(s)

  • Any URL in a full screen. This is in addition to being able to display your JMRI layout panel in a small section of the main Throttle Screen.

Tap on any of the Open Windows to expand its view. You can then resize the panel by pinching and zooming. It is sometimes useful to rotate your device to landscape mode, so as to better view your layout.

Action Bar (Web View Screen)


The Action Bar appears at the top of all screens. It will show different information and different buttons depending on a) the particular screen and b) preferences you have set.

In the Web View Screen the Action Bar can display:

  • The app name (Engine Driver)

  • Optionally configured information:

  • Optionally configured buttons:

    • Emergency Stop (EStop)

    • Track Power


The optional buttons are enabled via the Menu ‣ Preferences ‣ Throttle Screen Status Row Preferences.

See Action Bar section of this page for more information.

Overflow Menu (Web View Screen)

The Overflow Menu (or simply ‘Menu’) appears in the Action Bar at the top of most of the main screens is normally three dots (⁞) or three bars (≡). It will show different options depending on a) the particular screen, b) preferences you have set and c) the state of certain elements in the app.

Specific to the Web View Screen, the Overflow Menu can display:


See the Overflow Menu section for more information.

Swipe Left / Right (Web View Screen)


Swipe Left / Right (Web View Screen)

Secondary / Support Screens

The follow additional screens will be shown at different times and for various reasons:

Intro/Setup Wizard Screen

The Setup Wizard will start automatically the first time you run Engine Driver after you install it. It sets some basic preferences and asks for the necessary permissions. These preferences can be subsequently be changed use the : Menu ‣ Preferences, or by re-running the wizard, which can only be done from the menu on the Connection Screen.


See the Setup wizard page for more information.

Loco Select Screen


The Loco Select Screen allows you add locos to a (one of) throttle on the Throttle Screen. It also provides access to the additional screens for ‘Editing the Consist’, ‘Editing Lights’ and editing the ‘In Phone Locos Sounds’.

The Loco Select Screen is only shown when you click a Select button on the Throttle Screen.

Not that the Select button will should the Address(es) or the Name(s) of a Loco or Consist/Multiple Unit Train only the first loco is selected. Click on the button will (while it is in this state) will again take to this screen to allow to you add additional Locos to the Consist/Multiple Unit Train, or make other changes to the Consist/Multiple Unit Train.

Selection Method

There are four ways you can choose a loco for the Throttle. Select one of the radio buttons depending on how you want to the choose the loco:

  • DCC Address

  • Server Roster

  • Recent Locos

  • Recent Consists

Select by DCC Address


Select by DCC Address

Shown if you select DCC Address in the Selection Method.

You can enter the loco’s DCC address (verify short or long), and press Acquire to select the loco. You will then be taken back to the Throttle Screen with that loco selected.

Select from Sever Roster


Select from Sever Roster

Shown if you select Server Roster in the Selection Method.

If the loco you want to control is in the list, simply click on it and you will be taken back to the Throttle Screen with that loco selected.

For this to be possible, the Loco you want to control needs to be in the roster of the WiThrottle Server. Not all WiThrottle Server support rosters. Refer to the JMRI documentation or your WiThrottle Server device’s documentation for creating a roster.



Icons - adding a local image

Long Press to see details… (and add icon)

Select from Recent Locos List


Select from Recent Locos List

Shown if you select Recent Locos in the Selection Method.

Engine Driver remembers the last 10 locos that you have selected. (That number can be increased or decreased with Maximum Recent Locos preference.)

If the loco you want to control to is in the list, simply click on it and you will be taken back to the Throttle Screen with that loco selected.

Icons - From Roster

Long Press to see details…

Swipe to remove entry…

Select from Recent Consists List


Select from Recent Consists List

Shown if you select Recent Consists in the Selection Method.

Selecting a Consist / Multiple Unit in the Recent Consists list will automatically add all the remembered locos, including their facing.

Swipe to remove entry…

Select Loco On Screen Buttons


Shown if you select DCC Address in the Selection Method.

After you enter a loco’s DCC address you press Acquire to select the loco. You will then be taken back to the Throttle Screen with that loco selected.


Shown if you have one or locos already selected (acquired) for that throttle.

Clicking this button will release all the locos currently controlled by the throttle.

Edit Order & Facing

Shown if you have one or locos already selected (acquired) for that throttle.

Clicking this button will show the ConsistEditScreen.

Edit Lights

Shown if you have one or locos already selected (acquired) for that throttle.

Clicking this button will show the ConsistLightsEditScreen.

Loco Sounds

Shown if you have one or locos already selected (acquired) for that throttle.

Clicking this button will show InPhoneLocoSoundsScreen.

Consist Edit Screen



Consist Edit Screen

Shown if you add a second, or subsequent, loco to a throttle via the Select button, or if you click on the Edit Order & Facing button on the Select Loco Screen (which will only be available if you have already acquired more than one loco on the throttle.)

Lead Loco


Lead Loco

Trailing Loco


Trailing Loco

Consist Top


Consist Top

  • Change Facing

Consist Lights Edit Screen



Consist Lights Edit Screen

  • Unknown

  • Follow Fn Btn

  • Off

Power Screen


Accessed from any of the main screen via : Menu ‣ Preferences ‣ Left/Right Swipe Preferences ‣ Power or from the Action Bar if enabled with the Layout Power button? preference : Menu ‣ Preferences ‣ Throttle Screen Action Bar Preferences ‣ Layout Power button?.

This screen allows you to toggle the state of track power to your layout.

  • When the button is Green, it indicates that track power is ‘On’.

  • When the button is Red, it indicates that track power is ‘Off’.

  • When the button is Amber, it indicates that track power state is unknown.

  • Pressing a Green button will cause the button to be changed to Red and the track power will be turned ‘Off’.

  • Pressing a Red button or Amber button will cause the button to be changed to Green and the track power will be turned ‘On’.

Preferences Screen

Accessed from any of the main screens via Menu ‣ Preferences.

This screen allows you to personalise Engine Driver for how you want it to use it.


See the Preferences page for details on the preferences that can be set.

In Phone Loco Sounds Screen



In Phone Loco Sounds Screen

Accessed from Throttle Screen by the Menu ‣ Loco Sounds or from the Status Bar if enabled with the In phone sounds button preference.

Function Defaults Screen



Function Defaults Screen

Accessed from the menu on the Throttle Screen as Menu ‣ Function Defaults.

DCC-EX Function Settings Screen


DCC-EX Function Settings Screen

Accessed from the menu on the Throttle Screen as Menu ‣ DCC-EX Function Settings.

DCC-EX Screen


DCC-EX Screen

Accessed from the menu on the Throttle Screen as Menu ‣ DCC-EX.

Gamepad Test Screen


Gamepad Test Screen

Accessed from the Throttle Screen via the Menu ‣ Gamepads -> Gamepad Test X. (where ‘X’ is the number of the gamepad.)

View Log Screen



View Log Screen

Accessed from any of the main screens via Menu ‣ View Log.

This screen allows you to view the internal Engine Driver log of events. This is sometimes useful for analysing problems.

The option to Start recording to file creates a user-accessible file that can be sent to the Engine Driver app developers or the help group to assist you in resolving a problem. The file will be located on your mobile phone at: Internal storage /Android/data/jmri.enginedriver/files
and will be named something like: logcat9999999999999.txt

Enable the ??? preference to include the timestamp on each line of the log.

About Screen



About Screen

This screen displays

  • Information about Engine Driver

  • Information about the WiThrottle Server it is currently connected to (if any)

  • A page of basic information about Engine Driver

Reconnecting Screen

This screen displays if Engine Driver has not been able to communicate with the WiThrottle Server within a specified time.


Reconnecting Screen

Common Elements and Features

This section describes some of the elements and features that appear throughout or affect the entire Engine Driver app.

Theme / Styles

Themes provide different colours and textures to the buttons, backgrounds, sliders etc. for all the screens in Engine Driver. i.e. It changes the appearance of the entire app.

There are five themes to choose from:




Original theme


High contrast theme


High contrast


Dark theme


Colourful theme


See the Theme / Style preference on the preferences page for more information.


Changing the Localisation primarily changes the language used in the menus, buttons and messages throughout Engine Driver.

Supported localisations are:

  • Use Phone’s global setting

  • English (US) - Engine Driver’s default

  • English (UK)

  • English (AUS)

  • English (NZ)

  • Italian

  • Portuguese

  • German

  • Spanish

  • Catalan

  • French

  • Czech


See the Localisation preference on the Preferences page for more information.

Action Bar


The Action Bar appears at the top of all screens. It will show different information and different buttons depending on a) the particular screen and b) preferences you have set.

The Action Bar can display:

  • The app name (Engine Driver)

  • Optionally configured information:

    • Fast Clock

    • Children’s Timer Status and Countdown

    • Full Screen or Action Bar Only left/right swipe

    • WiThrottle Server Name

  • Optionally configured buttons:

    • Emergency Stop (EStop)

    • Track Power

    • Flashlight

    • Throttle Web View

    • Throttle Layout Switching

    • In Phone Loco Sound

    • Children’s Timer

The optional buttons are enabled and configured via the corresponding preferences in the Throttle Screen Action Bar preference group. (Other than the Children’s Timer which is configured in the Children’s Timer preference group.)

Emergency Stop Button


The Emergency Stop Action Bar button is enabled with the Emergency Stop button? preference.

Clicking this button will attempt to quickly stop all locos controlled by the device / phone. Locos controlled by other people/devices are not stopped.

Track Power Button


The Track Power Action Bar button is enabled with the Layout Power button? preference.

Track Power, when pressed will turn on/off the power to the track. The colour of the button will change colour:

  • ‘Amber’ = unknown state

  • ‘Red’ = Power is Off

  • ‘Green’ = Power is On

Flashlight Button


The Flashlight Action Bar button is enabled with the Flashlight button? preference.

Flashlight, when pressed will turn on/off the Device’s camera light.

The device / phone must have a camera to be able to use this feature.

Throttle Web View Button


The Throttle Web View Action Bar button is enabled with the Throttle Web View button? preference.

Throttle Web View, when pressed will show or hide the Throttle Web View panel on the Throttle Screen.

Note: the Throttle Web View? <../configuration/preferences.html#throttle-web-view> preference must be enabled for this to have an effect.

Layout Switch Button



Layout Switch Button

The Layout Switch Action Bar button is enabled with the Show Layout Switch button preference.

The Layout Switch buttons, when pressed …

In Phone Loco Sound Button


In Phone Loco Sound Button


The In Phone Loco Sounds Action Bar button is enabled with the In Phone sounbds Button preference.

In Phone Loco Sounds, when clicked …

Children’s Timer Button


The Children’s Timer Button Action Bar button is enabled with the Show Timer Button? preference.

The Children’s Timer Button, when pressed will activate the Timer for the preset time period.


See the Children’s Timer section of the Advance Operation page for more information.

Fast Clock



Fast Clock

The Fast Clock Action Bar button is enabled with the Fast Clock Display preference.


See JMRI’s Fast Clock page for information on how to set up a Fast Clock.

Children’s Timer Status and Countdown



Children’s Timer Status and Countdown


See the Children’s Timer part of the Advance Operation page for more information.

Full Screen or Action Bar Only left/right swipe


Full Screen or Action Bar Only left/right swipe

WiThrottle Server Name



WiThrottle Server Name

Overflow Menu


The Overflow Menu (or simply ‘Menu’) appears in the Action Bar at the top of most of the main screens is normally three dots (⁞) or three bars (≡). It will show different options depending on a) the particular screen, b) preferences you have set and c) the state of certain elements in the app.

The Overflow Menu can display: